Friday, January 28, 2011

That Darn Internal Editor

How do you turn off your internal editor?  If you're a writer or not, you probably have that voice in your brain that nags and nags.  Freud called it the Superego.  I call it annoying.

I am in editing mode lately.  I successfully reduced a story that I'd written for a flash fiction contest (see post below) from 2000+ words to 730 without losing the best parts of the story.  Now don't get me wrong.  I like this story.  It is a scene within a larger novel that I am currently writing and loving, but I've had to rip it out of the hands of my internal editor because, darn her, she won't let it go.  I read the flash fiction story again today and itched to tweak this and that, saw way too many SVO (subject verb object) sentences, and wanted to rush off an apology for the horrible writing which I'd subjected the judges for the contest to.  Doubt swarmed me, and suddenly, my editor started talking round and round in my head and confusing the daylights out of me.

I wasn't sure what to do except walk away and hope for the best.  Harder than it looks.  In the words of Daniel Tosh, "It's like trying to act all bad while winking."  Who you kidding?  But, fortunately for my latest habit of wasting too much time on blogs and such, I found this little nugget on the Istoria Book blog,  It pretty much shows the WORST editor ever (there may be a few just as bad), and gave me a laugh while sending my own internal editor back to the hole in my brain where she usually hides.

Maybe now I can relax and be patient for the results, whatever they may be. 

Leave a comment with any tricks you have to make that nagging know-it-all go away?

Happy Writing!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Two Things I Dread

I love the writing process, from idea, to fingers on keyboard, to troubleshooting, to "the end", but there are two things with which I (along with many other writers) struggle. They are outlining my plot and writing the synopsis. Imagine my surprise when I came across (through another blogpost) this post by Bob Mayer. It gives a few helpful tips on outlining in the beginning. Then, there is a video all about writing the synopsis at the bottom of the page. Hope you find it as interesting as I did.

Also, if you are interested, The Wild Rose Press is calling for submissions to their Crimson Rose line (romantic suspense). Find out more information at this link:

Happy writing!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Two contests I came across tonight that you might be interested in.

Win some e-books by commenting before February 1st at the following blogpost:

The other is a flash fiction contest where the judge is agent Elaine Spencer of The Knight Agency. It can be found at the following website:

Happy writing!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Great Advice

Found great advice from an author with Harlequin Blaze and Samhain. Meg Maguire has a terrific blog, and she gives advice to aspiring authors in the following blog post:

Check it out.

Happy writing!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Great Read!

I am always excited and, I'll admit it, a little hesitant when I hear of a new author. Yes, I'm sure you can relate. Sometimes I hear of a new author who is getting rave reviews, but I try his or her latest, and I'll admit it, I'm disappointed.

BUT NOT THIS TIME! This time, I was beyond impressed. Last year, I joined KYRW, and I met many great women who were aspiring and published writers. I found kindred spirits, and although I didn't know exactly what to expect, I felt welcome and inspired during some of the hardest moments of my life by the support of these fine women.

One of these women is an author that is newly published and that I would HIGHLY recommend. J. M. Madden has written an excellent read in SECOND TIME AROUND currently published in e-book format by Decadent Publishing.

Shane has made a nice, little life for herself as a police officer in horse country, Kentucky. As a single mom to a three-year-old son, and with parents who help her out when she needs them, her life seems perfect. That is until Quinn comes back to town. Quinn is the father of her son (but he doesn't know about said son yet), and the man who walked out of her life years ago. From the minute they meet up again though, sparks and clothes fly, and they can't keep their hands off of each other.

Quinn is determined to forge his way with his own horse farm installation, but he's having trouble with his prized thoroughbred stallion, his wealthy father, and apparently his own trusted employees. Not to mention, he has to come to terms with a son he didn't know about. But with the help of Shane, he might just make both their dreams come true.

Horses are such an integral part of Kentucky, and bring an element of romance all their own, but even if you know nothing about horse country, the story is one that will have you racing to the end of this book about two people who find a deep, lasting love the SECOND TIME AROUND.
You can buy an e-copy of this book at the following websites:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Interest Lately and Contest Opportunity at the Bottom

I recently discovered an author that I thoroughly enjoy. Rachel Gibson writes contemporaries, and she does it very well. I have officially read all but her first book SIMPLY IRRESISTIBLE, which I'm reading right now. I like all of her well-paced, quirky charactered, and uniquely plotted books, but my favorites are her two most recent releases--TRUE LOVE AND OTHER DISASTERS and NOTHING BUT TROUBLE. Both are great reads that I would recommend again and again (as a matter of fact, I've read the most recent one twice now).

The funny thing about new reads and my brain is that unusual interests (at least for me) are often sparked, and the same can be said about these books also. I've gained an interest in, of all things, hockey.

Now, understand, I live where the weather is clearly divided into four seasons, but we don't often get loads of cold weather and snow during the winter (well, not usually anyway as I look out my window at inches of snow). Still, one of my favorite jobs I held was working at the ice rink in my city during college, and although I had been warned to stay away from those cocky, rough and tumble hockey players from the local universities, I may have sneaked a few peeks. But I did manage to stay away, until now. No, I am not stalking college hockey players. But, I am watching HBO specials about the Washington Capitals and Pittsburgh Penguins, and I hate to admit it, but admiring a few of those cocky, rough and tumble hockey players. So, for your viewing pleasure, here is a video I discovered through a blog I follow at times. Try not to think naughty thoughts, and if you get a chance, pick up a Rachel Gibson novel.

Oh, and I came across this on another blog I follow. Contest with a 1000 word critique as the prize for following this blog:

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Trimming the Fat

The Holidays were more fun than a squirrel in a nut factory. My kids are at just the right ages to keep us all entertained and young at heart. What a joy it was to have a happy and healthy time with my family and friends!

Many in my family just happen to be great cooks, and I must admit, though I thought I was eating carefully, I overdid it a little and gained a little weight. Okay, a lot of weight! In spring and summer 2009, I actually lost about 25 pounds. It was great to work toward a goal with diet and exercise. I got to the point that I missed going to the gym. No, not skipped, but longed to work out. I know! I had heard of people like that, but I never thought it would happen to me.

Turns out, slimming down was a great thing. Not only did I fit into my clothes better, but without a doubt, thanks to a little less padding, I was able to feel the lump in my left breast. Getting serious about my diet and exercise prolonged my life.

However, due to my chemotherapy treatment (the anti-nausea medication worked really well toward the end), I actually gained weight.

Now it's time to trim the fat. I am back in the workout saddle, and eating balanced meals and snacks (including fruits and veggies).

The good news to me is that I have apparently inspired my husband to get healthy with me, and he is starting to get that stir-crazy feeling when he doesn't make it to the gym regularly. Oh, yeah! Working my magic muscle-head mo-jo on him.

Who knows? This time next year, I might just be svelte (I've heard that's good). Now if I could just figure out how to put my manuscripts on an overhaul plan, maybe I could be published by this time next year too.

Happy writing!