My Writing


Draft of a series contemporary targeting Harlequin Blaze, titled BETWEEN THE SHEETS.

Personal essay about why monsters still scare me.

Personal essay about breast cancer realities.

Contemporary short targeting Samhain, titled INTO THE FIRE.


Months after a devastating break-up, Shyann and Luke meet again under sizzling circumstances. Head-to-head on a televised cooking competition called, KITCHEN TWIST, to see who can serve up the best date-night fare, each arrives with a different motive. Luke has every intention of winning back Shyann’s heart, even as she is determined to get closure on the not-so-tasty heartbreak he served up by stealing her affection and her executive chef position.

Luke knows every culinary masterpiece requires a delicate touch, but all that knowledge is thrown out with the leftovers as he tries to make Shyann see he’s not as bad a guy as she believes. Now he pushes both of them to the limits to win the competition that will satisfy a bet in which she agreed to leave with him if he succeeds. But putting these two within the same vicinity results in an out-of-control blaze that two top chefs such as them can’t possibly resist, and even without winning, Luke convinces Shyann of his love and devotion, resulting in a sensational blend of two people who were meant to be together.

In Progress:

Draft of urban fantasy romance series, titled WARRIORS OF THE CONSTELLATION

Draft of romantic suspense for Christmastime

Draft of flash fiction about scene in young adult novel

Draft of young adult novel about post-apocalyptic community, titled CURE

If you would be interested in seeing any of my work, please e-mail me at