Monday, November 22, 2010

Celebrate Good Times, Come On!

Have you ever been stuck in a story and then it just comes to you. Well, that happened to me two weekends ago, and now my short story is...
Finished! Here's to finishing my short story that I started three months ago. Now I'm going to continue to work on my NANO manuscript and let the short rest for a little while.
I've decided to get it gorgeous then submit to an e-book publisher. Until then, I'm just going to keep on keeping on.
After being stuck for awhile, something about the story just clicked finally.
Now, it's your turn. Have you ever just had a "click" moment? Or do you just have something to celebrate?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Good News! And Ladies' Night ;O)

I have officially finished seeing "all my doctors" (sounds like a bad 80's soap opera) for my check-ups and every one has said that I am doing well. Can I get a woot! woot! Needless to say, I was anxious, but I am happily relieved and feeling very blessed.

So, in celebration, I called in a cleaning service. I deserved a little pampering. Here are the employees they sent over:

Wouldn't it be cool if this impossible scenario were in fact possible? Seriously though, my family and I (including the real sexy hero in my life--Sharky) are going out to celebrate tomorrow night! Exciting!

Happy writing!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Tough Week

The ebb and flow of blessings and curses is definitely on a downswing right now. This was a very difficult week. I had a presentation to prepare and give, which I abhor! I would rather dance through oncoming traffic than present something in front of colleagues. The blessing: it went well, and I got compliments. The curse: it took up a majority of my free time to prepare.

Unfortunately, we received some bad news early in the week. One of my daughter's friends at school had a mother who was very ill. She died this week. It was breast cancer. I prayed for the family and my husband and daughter went to the visitation. But I'm too close to this not to think about my own situation. She was 45. It was one year ago today that I went for a mammogram, ultrasound, and biopsy, leading to 9 months of treatment for breast cancer. Needless to say, I am distressed about this whole situation. It brings up so many of my own fears about leaving my children behind before I feel ready (are we really ever ready, though?). My 12-year-old daughter is also struggling with the passing. She feels like she really needs to be there for her friend, but she's also anxious about our own situation. I listen to her fears, and assure her we are doing everything we are supposed to do, but I can't say with 100% definitiveness that there won't be a recurrence. I will do my best to be vigilant, if not for me, then for my children and husband.

Of course, to continue the downing of the week, I had a rather eye-opening meeting about a problem student. Let's just say, if I had the same situation, I'd be acting out my anger inappropriately too. It brings up a serious issue. Why is it that low socio-economic means suck it up, we can't do anything but give you a band-aid? This kid should have gotten serious help early on.

So, needless to say, my writing has been little to none. I see my NaNoWriMo dreams slipping away unless I get a chance to write all day and all night some time soon. Hope things are going better for you.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

It's going...slowly

Well, I am considerably behind where I need to be for NaNoWriMo, but I'm still plugging along. I am currently at 5195 words, which is behind by about 4700 words. So, I'll push myself the next couple of days to try to catch up. I do like the story and the characters that I'm writing. I'm pretty sure there will be major rewrites if I make it to the end, but I'll keep at it.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 1

Maybe not the best prose ever written, but 1670 words. Not bad for the first day. A little celebratory cupcake to share with all.