I have an eensy-weensy tendency to procrastinate when it comes to writing. But I am goal-oriented, and I know there are no magic writing wands, so I've had to figure out ways to motivate myself to meet my own set deadlines. The following are a few ways I use to keep my fingers moving on the keyboard:
When I don't feel like getting started, like many writers, I set a timer for however long I feel I can write. If it's 10 minutes, then that's all I commit to. To be perfectly honest, though, I don't actually use a timer. It's too, well, time consuming for me to locate one either real world or online. So, I just set a time goal on the computer clock in the bottom right screen. Usually, I keep on writing past the ten, but if I feel like I'm forcing myself to write, I can reward myself afterward for making it for my set time.
Another handy-dandy thing that has helped me at different times is a website I found called http://www.750.com/. It's a site that encourages people to write 750 words a day. Using the site, I've twice met deadlines I didn't think I would ever meet. I like to use it when I have a scene to write, but I'm not motivated to get going on it. The 750 words gives me a goal, and I often push myself and am pleasantly surprised sometimes with what I write.
You may have tried one or both of these before, but if you haven't, it's worth a shot.
Happy writing!
I really like the 750 challenge. It's surprisingly easy and doable.