Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fall Break

Sharkey and the kids have the whole week off for Fall Break. It's like Spring Break, only not. I, on the other hand, get a cheaper version. Mine starts Wednesday, so I have to go to school Monday and Tuesday.

Yes, I considered being a bad teacher and calling in sick, but I just couldn't bring myself to do that to some poor substitute teacher for one thing, and I have so much to accomplish in those two measly days besides, so I will dutifully attend school the next two days and only whine a little bit about it.

On another note, I checked out a blog at and ended up sending a pitch for editor Lia Brown at Avalon. Mine was one of five sent her way, with the truth-serum that she might look at them and go on her merry way, deciding mine is not what she is looking for. Still, the heart hopes, and I have a pitch in front of an editor.

But the ladies at Seekerville are celebrating the site's birthday with prizes in the form of books and critiques, so check it out if you get a chance.

Happy writing!


  1. Very cool Sherri! Fingers crossed for you!

    I'm on Fall Break this week, too. Hubby and the 2 oldest kids are all in a different school system and they aren't off until next week... when I'm back in school. Oh well!

  2. Good luck with those queries. We don't know until we try!


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